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Communication is very important to me. When I accept a new family into my home, I like to be sure that we can share openly any concerns or questions that may arise. I welcome questions, feedback, or discussions of any kind that are oriented towards a positive outcome for the child.

Items to Bring to Tiny Footprints Dayhome:

Please bring the following items daily for your child:

  • 2 Changes of clothes(especially when potty training)

  • Appropriate outdoor clothing

  • Diapers, wipes, and cream

  • Plush sleep toy and/or blanket (if desired)

  • Any specialty foods the child might need.

It is understood that children can have up to 14 colds a year and therefore I will accept children into the dayhome who have minor colds without a fever or a persistent cough. I will assess the child once they arrive, if I feel they are too sick for dayhome I will contact you and ask that you come and take the child home. However if your child is very sick please to not bring them to the dayhome, particularly when there is risk of infecting the other children. It is no fun for anyone if we are all sick with colds and I, as a dayhome operator, do not get to rest if I get sick so please keep this in mind. Please advise me of any illness your child may be suffering from. Medication will not be administered unless the parent/guardian has provided written permission. Medicine must be in the original container clearly labeled with the child's name, amount, time of dosage, and other instructions ordered by the doctor. Please inform me if any medication has been given to the child prior to care.
Please keep in mind that it is normal for children whom are starting a new dayhome to be sick frequently with colds until their immune systems become used to the dayhome environment. It is the same when the children begin school and pre-school. After a few months things start to settle down and they are sick less frequently. I am a firm believer in the daily use of Vitamin D and Probiotics to help boost the children's immunity.



Parents are required to keep their child home if they are displaying any of the below:
Fever (above 38 Degrees Celsius)
Undiagnosed rash/skin condition
Communicable disease
Discharge from nose, eyes, ears, mouth or skin (other than common cold)
Complains of pain
Persistent coughing
Severe itching of the scalp or body
Sore throat or trouble swallowing








DISCIPLINE POLICY: Misbehaviour is a normal part of a child's development. Positive child guidance requires the use of methods that guide rather than punish. The goal of discipline is to help children build their own self-control, not to have them behave through adult-imposed control. The below techniques will be used in a way that maintains or enhances the child's self-esteem. My goal is to help the children learn appropriate behaviours, not punish the children for misbehaviour. Appropriate limits are geared towards the child's age and personality. The children's feelings are always acknowledged and accepted; I then explain the limits on the expression of their feelings (e.g." It's ok that you feel mad because you want to play with that toy, but you may not hit other children"). The children are never labelled as "bad" or"naughty" and "time-outs" will not be used, rather, they're behaviour is focused on and explained to them why it was wrong (e.g you may not throw the blocks, blocks are for building). It is understood that young children need repetition to learn and it may be necessary to keep telling and showing them the appropriate behaviour; patience is a virtue and I have lots of it! If after trying the below techniques a number of times and there is no change in the behaviour, I will talk with the parents about the situation and together we will hopefully come to a solution.


Guidance Techniques used at Tiny Footprints Dayhome:(1) Redirection : Distracting the child from the unwanted behaviour (This works well for all ages, it is particularly used for infants and toddlers who do not understand their actions or consequences as a result of their actions)(2) Natural Consequences : Allowing children to experience the safe, natural consequences of their behaviour helps them accept responsibility for their own comfort (3) Logical Consequences : Logical consequences are reasonable, related to the behaviour and are arranged in advance. (e.g "We only have enough juice boxes for everyone to have one. So you can drink yours now, but you will not have more for snack time. Or I can get you water now and you can save your juice for snack time.")(4) Negotiation and Problem Solving : This technique works by involving the child in helping to solve the problem.

Termination of care

It is required that you give me 30 days notice if you wish to pull your child from the day home.


Give us a call:


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